What if that day have had no sun, no light...
would you have seen me?
What if I would have never talked to you...
would you have said a word?
What if I was another person...
would you be a different person too?
What if we could not have does great talkes...
would you have understood me?
What if we could not laugh one of the other...
would it be so amazing?
What if I have never let you touch me...
would you still be here?
would you still be here?
Still don't know why I have opened parts of my heart to you...
told you things...
showed you my weak side ...
showed you flashes of my dark side...
And if I'm to chained to understand things...?
2 comentários:
Eu sempre te vi...lembras te?
sempre!e mesmo com esses if´s todos....ainda ca estou e so tu me podes afastar...por isso nao fassas pra isso... sou como uma mao cheia de areia na tua mão....skuizzz to much e eu escapo me por entre os teus dedos.....abres demasiado e o vento leva me! Play as you go....eu estou aqui!
And if...
my hand is...
to small,
to weak
or to cold
to balance things in order not to loose you?
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