30 de março de 2018

The Unexpected

Every day you wake up
and you do more or less the same every day
work-home and vice-versa
work, household & animals
That's what I call a normal life

That's pretty much of what I expected from life
But then, there is somehow a missing part
and sometimes you just don't realise it,
or you don't know where to find it,
so you just don't search.

That's a normal thing to do
because that's a "normal" life

But then...
out of the blue,
completly UNEXPECTED
you realize that there is much more out there
... in you
... for you

I think there always was,
but circumstances didn't played in your favour
and all of the sudden,
quite a lot of new things emerge arround you
... in you
... for you

Your soul & heart is thirsty
for what is coming up
but in your mind is a storm
what is right?
what is wrong?
what if?

But as you know...
UNEXPECTED storms dissipate 
the sky will be light blue again
the sun will be shinnier then before 
nature will grow

all this
... like there is no tomorrow

and then there is you hmmmm